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Majerská 44, 821 07 Bratislava

Legal counselling online

Legal counselling

Do you know that for many people who are dealing with a legal issue, it is sufficient to provide legal assistance electronically? We can offer you expert and complex legal advice even while you are enjoying the comfort of your home. Online legal counselling is thus available everywhere where you have an Internet access. We can electronically answer majority of your questions, offer legal standings, draft contracts, legal actions or other legal documents. We can ensure in this matter also the establishment and incorporation of the company, including the notifications of changes in company information in the Business Register.


When using online legal counselling, we guarantee our clients the provision of expert legal advice by experienced attorneys-at-law, time and money savings, maximal keeping of your anonymity and confidentiality.

In case of a simple legal issue, we will offer you legal standing or legal assistance without any fees within a couple of hours. On the other hand, if your issue requires thorough legal analysis, or we identify your issue as more time consuming, we will notify you without any delays about the amount of fees for provision of legal services as well as about the time framework within which we can send you the answers on your questions, legal standing, draft of the contract or other legal documents. It is up to you to decide whether you agree with the amount of fees or not. By paying the fees or upon sending the confirmation of payment, we will provide you with the agreed legal services.

Without the necessity to visit our law firm in person, we can offer you the following online legal services:

  • preparation / provision of a legal standing
  • drafting and preparation of contracts / revision of already prepared contracts
  • preparation of a simple legal action / other legal documents
  • establishment and incorporation of a company / notification of changes in company
  • information in the Business Register / winding up of a company
  • assessment of your existing GDPR documentation / preparation of GDPR
  • documentation and related legal advisory

Are you interested in the above described offer? In case you are interested in provision of online legal counselling, you can electronically send us your questions with all relevant information on e-mail address or via a form below. If you have any documents related to your legal issue (e.g. contracts, legal actions etc.), please attach all necessary documentation to your questions at hand.

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